Chat With Light 2.0: Challenges and Opportunities for Luminaire Manufacturers in India

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Organized By: Indian Society of Lighting Engineers, Pune Local Chapter

Recording of the Event  

Thank you for joining us!

The event was a great success, we have 92 online participant and the session was very interactive, there were lot of question raised by the audience and panelist answer them. Due to active participation the webinar extended by 20 minutes with consent with the panelist.

We understand all the question could not be address in the planned discussion, please find below links to keep communication active with this subject on the digital platforms.

Eminent Panelist

Company team

Sharmila Kumbhat

Director at Klite Industries, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

Company team

Kashinath Karekar

VP - Sales/Marketing at WPG Electronics (India) Pvt. Ltd.,Thane, Maharashtra, India.

Company team

Puneet Randeo

Business Development Head (Verification Services) at UL, New Delhi Area, India 

Company team

Dr. Avinash Kulkarni

Chairman & MD at Litex Electricals Pvt Ltd 

Company team

Sudhir Patil (Moderator)

Founder and CEO at Leap Info System Pvt. Ltd. Hon. Secretary, ISLE-PLC.

Event Information

About this webinar : Changing circumstances due to COVID – 19, has forced the mankind to alter the ways we live, the way we think, the way we make our living and the way we grow. This shall further lead to alter our space design requirements of living, working, collaboration, entertainment, recreation. Etc. Lighting being inseparable element of our life, shall also be modified for these new ways of living. Our need of light and from light shall are likely to change significantly. Only better understanding of the modified lighting requirements, resource challenges ahead, and the emerging opportunities shall help us derive new practices, strategies, and products ahead.

About Chat with light Program: As a part of the professional event series, “Chat with light” re-relaunched as online webinar version, for the members to attend the same during this time of social distancing. Chat with light is an informal and interactive open discussion platform, where the subject of the event is discussed over the time of 60 mins. Session begins with a panel discussion and later is thrown open to the members for question answers and most importantly views. For the online version, number of the views from the members other than the panelists shall be restricted.

Organizing Team

Company team

Kaustubh Nandurbarkar

Memver, ISLE-PLC 

Company team

Virendra Borade

Vice-Chairman, ISLE-PLC 

Date & Time

June 21, 2020

10:00 AM 11:00 AM Asia/Kolkata

Indian Society of Lighting Engineers

+91 11 41326950

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